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This function calculates semantic similarity over a sequence of conversation exchanges for multiple dyads.


semantic_sim_dyads(conversations, method = "tfidf", window_size = 3, ...)



A data frame with columns 'dyad_id', 'speaker', and 'processed_text'


A character string specifying the method to use: "tfidf", "word2vec", or "glove"


An integer specifying the size of the sliding window


Additional arguments passed to semantic_similarity


A list containing the sequence of similarities for each dyad and the overall average similarity


convs <- data.frame(
  dyad_id = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
  speaker = c("A", "B", "A", "B", "C", "D", "C", "D"),
  processed_text = c("i love pizza", "me too favorite food",
                     "whats your favorite topping", "enjoy pepperoni mushrooms",
                     "i prefer pasta", "pasta delicious like spaghetti carbonara",
                     "ever tried making home", "yes quite easy make")
semantic_sim_dyads(convs, method = "tfidf", window_size = 2)
#> Warning: The 'tfidf' method may not provide highly meaningful results for short conversations or those with little vocabulary overlap. Consider using 'word2vec' or 'glove' methods for more robust results.
#> Warning: The 'tfidf' method may not provide highly meaningful results for short conversations or those with little vocabulary overlap. Consider using 'word2vec' or 'glove' methods for more robust results.
#> Warning: The 'tfidf' method may not provide highly meaningful results for short conversations or those with little vocabulary overlap. Consider using 'word2vec' or 'glove' methods for more robust results.
#> Warning: The 'tfidf' method may not provide highly meaningful results for short conversations or those with little vocabulary overlap. Consider using 'word2vec' or 'glove' methods for more robust results.
#> Warning: The 'tfidf' method may not provide highly meaningful results for short conversations or those with little vocabulary overlap. Consider using 'word2vec' or 'glove' methods for more robust results.
#> Warning: The 'tfidf' method may not provide highly meaningful results for short conversations or those with little vocabulary overlap. Consider using 'word2vec' or 'glove' methods for more robust results.
#> Warning: Problem with Hessian check (infinite or missing values?)
#> $similarities_by_dyad
#> $similarities_by_dyad$`1`
#> [1] 0.5 0.5 0.5
#> $similarities_by_dyad$`2`
#> [1] 0.5 0.5 0.5
#> $overall_average
#> (Intercept) 
#>         0.5 